Usually the symptoms of an anxiety attack are similar to those of a heart attack, because of which the former is often confused for the latter. Apart from indication heart attack, chest pain may have several causes including indigestion, painful muscles, injured ribs, tense nerves, or even pancreas problems. These symptoms may trigger the conditions of a heart stroke, but in reality may not be that.
Similarly, one of the major reasons for chest pain in this multi-tasking world is “anxiety attack”. Location of the pain can be helpful in distinguishing a heart attack from anxiety one. Chest pain caused by anxiety is felt over the heart and is felt as sharp pangs. It increases with breathing typically lasts for only a few minutes. While in heart attack, chest pain is felt in the center of the chest and extends for longer than 10 minutes.
Anxiety attacks produce chest pains when a person feels stressed and overloaded. Adrenaline is also released during the process, causing the muscles to contract due to intense and rapid heart and breathing rate. In addition, the chest pains arising from anxiety attack may also be caused by the discharge of stomach acids and indigestion.
At certain pain management centers, anxiety attack is treated through pain medication and other pain control methods. Among these methods include deep breathing, calming exercises, switching the focus of thoughts through healthy activities etc.
In order to reduce the chances of panic attack, consider taking chronic pain treatment which includes stress management and lifestyle changes, and you’ll sure be headed towards the right direction.